Friday, July 29, 2011

The Importance of Contrast

As a girl growing up with two older sisters, you'd expect us to have a strong relationship, right? I thought so too. I found the most beautiful photograph by artist Karl Lilje recently. It automatically struck me as a favourite because it reflected so much of my relationship with my sisters. The harsh contrast between the dark and light, the element of peace within togetherness expressed in the faces of the models, the nothingness surrounding them... Every aspect of this photograph applies to me and my sisters. Even the fact that all three girls are brunette.

We don't speak to each other much, but we know the others will be there for us in times of need. For example: I moved to Cape Town two years ago, knowing nobody except my sister, Celeste. I moved to her city and still, we spent no time together other than the odd mom-enforced dinner/birthday. A few days ago, her boyfriend of ten years was in an accident. All of our differences were put aside immediately and I sped to be there for her without any hesitation. Fortunately, her boyfriend was not seriously injured, but he did suffer a severe back spasm and is now bed-ridden for three months. I stayed with her for the night. We made dinner and spent some time together while her boyfriend slept. And as we spoke, I realised something.

Just like in the photograph, within our relationship there is light and dark. Sometimes the dark represents the time we don't spend with each other; the distance, other times, it represents the dark things we got through in life that lead us toward the light in the contrast. Just like in the image, we go through a little bit of dark, but it's so worth it to get to the light – where everything is beautiful and peaceful and even if it's just for a while, we're bonded together as one in amongst the nothingness.

Visit Karl Lilje's site here.